Lincoln Ledger – 1/20/2022

Posted January 21, 2022

Hello Lincoln Friends and Families- 

Thank you to parents Anne Coughlin, Andrea Schumacher and Rebekah Cholak for restarting the Lincoln Shakespeare Club! Fourth and Fifth graders prepared this week for their auditions to be part of the Shakespeare club that will then perform later this spring at the annual DPS Shakespeare Festival. It was wonderful to hear the student’s excitement to have this enriching experience back at our school. 


Here is some guidance around whether or not you should complete Round One School Choice for your transitioning students. 

For current ECE 3 year old students

  • ECE 3 year osld families need to complete the SchoolChoice form for the 2022-23 school year to be an ECE 4 at Lincoln. All 3 year olds will automatically roll into the 4 year old seats, but the application process is required to secure that position. 

For current ECE 4 year old students:

  • Families were sent emails from SchoolChoice indicating that you need to complete the Choice form for Kindergarten. Current ECE 4 families do not need to complete the Choice form to secure a seat for the 2022-23 school year. All 4 year old students will roll to be kinders in the system.  

For 5th grade students:

  • If you would like your current 5th Grade student to return to Lincoln for 6th Grade in the 22/23 school year, you WILL need to complete a Round One School Choice Application and select Lincoln Montessori 6th Grade as your FIRST CHOICE.
  • If your student will attend their Neighborhood Boundary School for 6th Grade (based on your residential address), no action is required. If you are unsure of your boundary school, you can use the School Finder feature on the Choice website, entering your address.
  • If you live in a DPS Enrollment Zone (based on your residential address), you WILL need to complete a Round One School Choice Application. If you are unsure, you can use the School Finder feature on the Choice website, entering your address.
  • If you would like to explore other schools but would like Lincoln to be your ALTERNATE CHOICE, you will need to complete a Round One School Choice Application and select Lincoln Montessori 6th Grade as one of your choices. NOTE: If you are placed at a higher priority school of your choice, you will give up your seat at Lincoln for 6th Grade. The Choice Office does their best to assign you to your highest priority school.

Round One of School Choice is now open through 4:00 PM on February 15th.

Here is the link to the DPS School Choice website with more information and instructions:

Library Updates

Ms. Noriyo has been awarded the Culturally Sustaining Collections Grant of $2,000 from DPS Library Services. The purpose of the Culturally Sustaining Collections grant is to support Denver Public Schools’ commitment to advancing asset-based cultural and linguistic responsive practices by infusing school libraries with books that provide affirming, authentic representation of the identities, home languages, and lived experiences of our students. Thank you for making our library such a warm and welcoming place for all of our students Ms. Noriyo!

COVID Reminders

Thank you for your help and support keeping sick kids home and monitoring their symptoms before returning to school. We are working tirelessly to keep our school open for in-person and learning and can only do so with healthy students and staff. If you have a positive COVID case to report, please call the attendance line at 720-424-5990 or email Ms. Kimberlie and me with more information. 

Additionally, families can now sign up for free rapid tests at that will be delivered to your door. Please take advantage of this opportunity!

Outside Recess

We will be going outside for recess as many days as possible in the winter. It is important that students come to school daily to be outside in the winter weather for 40 consecutive minutes. 

Bringing Back Delayed Starts for Inclement Weather

Due to changing needs, DPS is bringing back delayed starts as an option instead of going remote during inclement weather. This means that Lincoln students will:

  • Start 2 hours later at 10:50 on these days. 
  • ECE 3 year old students will not report 
  • Dismiss at 3:40. 

Please check the local news stations, social media and the DPS website for school delays and closure updates. 

In gratitude-  

Emily Clark- Principal