Speaker Series: Jenn Wert

Posted January 19, 2023

Speaker Series: Jenn Wert

Dear Lincoln Elementary Community & Friends,

Lincoln’s Speaker Series invites members of the extended Lincoln community to learn from inspirational people throughout the year. For the 22-23 school year, we have chosen the theme: “Rebuilding relationships by honoring human dignity”. Thank you to the Circle Grant for sponsoring our Speaker Series this year.

Please join our virtual presentation Wednesday, February 1st from 8-9pm.

Nurturing Connection in a Disconnected World: Upping Social and Emotional Intelligence at Home

Don’t miss our next parent evening, where we’ll be hosting professional Parent Coach, Educator and Speaker Jenn Wert. As we come out of the worst of COVID, in this fast-paced, media-infiltrated world, Jenn will guide you in having a look at yourself as a role-model, how to slow down to support your children in being more grounded, balanced and able to navigate their emotions and the world around them.

Jenn works with parents of young children around the globe to bring more mindfulness and connection to their parenting. She has a Masters in Education, decades of teaching experience, and has run both for-profit and not-for-profit businesses. Jenn now works as a Parent Coach, writer and speaker. Her coaching is grounded in extensive post-graduate social and emotional intelligence training and her life experiences, which celebrate authenticity, humility, and connection. As a coach, she supports families to find themselves as parents, embracing a style that’s honest and nurturing.

For more on Jenn, please feel free to peruse her website.